Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fake milkshake: berry smoothie

Fake Milkshake: berry smoothie

Yesterday, I took the day off to take Bodie to get a cavity filled. Yes, that’s right, my five-year-old son had a cavity. Bring on the “horrible mother” complexes. While I don’t claim to be an at-home dental hygenist, I think I’m decent when it comes to our teeth cleaning rituals. Brett or I brush our kids teeth every single night and if I’m being generous, their teeth get flossed about 50% of the time. We let them brush their own teeth in the morning and “attempt” to limit fruit snacks, etc. Again, probably not the poster child for kids dental hygiene, but I definitely didn’t expect the cavity prognosis at his recent visit.

In talking with the dentist, she asked again about whether or not we have floride in our water, because with good dental habits, a lack of floride in the water could be just the thing to give him the cavity. For the past few years, I’ve been taking the “of course, I’m sure we have floride” line when asked this question (good lord – it’s not like we live in a swamp or soemthing). Post cavity, I finally called the town and come to find out – we don’t have floride in our water.

Part of me is back on the horrible mother train…why did I not check into the floride earlier. The other part? Secretly (well not so secretly anymore) relieved that it wasn’t something I did that gave him the cavity (that is, of course, if you don’t think about the fact that I never got him the floride).

Flash back to yesterday. Bodie did awesome at the dentist. He went in by himself (which nearly broke me in two…seriously, will a day come in my children’s lives when I don’t cry at EVERYTHING??). He came out with a fixed tooth and a numb mouth, but in one piece. His treat? He earned himself a McDonald’s milkshake (In my defense, the hygenist said no solid food and something cold…what was I supposed to do?) Obviously I had to get Adela a milkshake too, so one strawberry and one chocolate milkshake later we were on our way home. Adela was done after only a few sips, and that evil thing stared at me all the way home. Good lord milkshakes are yummy…and I managed to put down half of it down before we got home. (ooops)

We don’t make milkshakes a habit at our house, but we do like our smoothies (or smoobies as my kids call them). Until yesterday, I would say that this fruit smoothie tastes a lot like a berry chocolate milkshake. After tasting the real thing yesterday, I’ll renig that comment, but it’s a pretty good smoothie and makes a super healthy and easy breakfast!

The recipe
2 cups frozen mixed berries
1 frozen banana, peeled and cut into chunks
¾ cup vanilla yogurt
½ cup peanut butter
2 scoops of chocolate whey protein powder (photo below if you're not familiar)

Add the berries, banana, yogurt, peanut butter and whey protein powder to a blender.

Add enough milk to come just below the top of the ingredients. Blend on full power, and add more milk if it’s getting stuck.

This made enough for everyone in my house for breakfast and enough for me to bring a little afternoon snack!